
Barbara Melzl

Current as of December 2023

Source: Residenztheater Munich

Born in Switzerland in 1957, Barbara Melzl trained as an actress at the Schauspielakademie in Zurich. She was engaged at the Theater am Neumarkt in Zurich, at the theaters in Bremen, Freiburg and Basel as well as at the Schauspielhaus Zurich and the Staatstheater Hannover. In 1993 she became a permanent ensemble member to the Residenztheater and has been one ever since. In 2000 she was awarded the Kurt-Meisel-Prize by the Association of Friends of the Residenztheater. She has worked with Andrea Breth, Dimiter Gotscheff, Matthias Hartmann, Dieter Dorn, Martin Kušej, Tina Lanik, Thom Luz, Antoine Uitdehaag, Herbert Fritsch, Andreas Kriegenburg and Claus Peymann.


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