
Emilien Diard-Detoeuf

Current as of July 2022

Emilien Diard-Detoeuf studied at the Paris Conservatoire national supérieur d’art dramatique. In the theatre, he has performed in productions directed by Olivier Pye, Léo Cohen-Paperman and Nicolas Liautard among others. He has also appeared in several films and television productions, including the feature films Un peuple et son roi (directed by Pierre Schoeller, 2018) and Curiosa (directed by Lou Jeunet, 2019), and the television series Le Bureau des légendes (directed by Eric Rochant, 2020) and Oussekine (directed by Antoine Chevrollier, 2022).

Emilien Diard-Detoeuf is a founding member of the festival Nouveau Théâtre Populaire, at which he has appeared in more than 30 plays since 2009. He has also directed several productions for the festival, including Molière’s Dom Juan as part of the Molière trilogy Le Ciel, la nuit et la fête (Le Tartuffe / Dom Juan / Psyché), which was also performed at the Festival d’Avignon. This summer (2022) he has returned to the Festival d’Avignon for Olivier Pye’s ten-hour theatre production Ma Jeunesse exaltée.

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