
Eva von Redecker

Current as of July 2024

The philosopher and author Eva von Redecker lives in rural Brandenburg and writes about property, social change, and sometimes even life and death. Her latest book, Bleibefreiheit (The Freedom to Stay; S. Fischer Verlag, 2023), tackles the concept of freedom in light of the climate crisis, suggesting a shift towards understanding it temporally rather than spatially in the future. In her 2020 book Revolution für das Leben (Revolution for Life), also published by S. Fischer Verlag, she articulated a philosophy of new forms of protest, combining this with a critique of capitalism. Since April 2023, Eva von Redecker has written a regular column for the Philosophie Magazin. She currently holds the ‘Metropolenschreiberin’ fellowship in the Ruhr region until the end of September 2024.

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