
Helga Rabl-Stadler

Current as of May 2021

Born June 2, 1948 in Salzburg
1966 Graduation cum laude from the Commercial High School in Salzburg
1966–70 Study of law as well as journalism and political sciences, graduating as a Doctor of Law
1970–74 Lived in Vienna, working as a journalist specialized in economy and domestic politics for the newspapers Die Presse and Die Wochenpresse
1974–78 First female journalist to write an editorial column for the Vienna daily newspaper Kurier
1983–2008 Co-owner and partner of the family Business Modehaus Resmann in Salzburg and Linz
1983–90 Member of the Austrian National Council for the party Österreichische Volkspartei, passing a program for flexible work hours and an initiative to liberalize retail opening hours; also advocating an improved treatment of sponsorship activities in tax law
1985–1988 (First female) Vice President of the Salzburg Chamber of Commerce
1988–1995 President and Financial Advisor of the Salzburg Chamber of Commerce, overseeing 250 employees
January 26, 1995 President of the Salzburg Festival, renouncing all her political and representational positions in Salzburg and Vienna
2001 Renewal of contract as President of the Salzburg Festival until 2006
2004 Renewal of contract until 2011
2009 Renewal of contract until 2014
2011 Additional responsibility for the business administration of the Festival
2013 Renewal of contract until 2017
2 December 2016: Dr. Helga Rabl-Stadler was confirmed as Festival President until 2020 by an unanimous vote of the Festival’s Supervisory Board.
1 April 2017: Handover of business administration to Mag. Lukas Crepaz
13 October 2020: Extension of contract through 31 December 2021

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