
Isabell Antonia Höckel

Current as of December 2023

Source: Residenztheater Munich

Born in Stuttgart, Isabell Antonia Höckel initially studied Theater Studies and English in Bochum before moving to Munich to study acting at the Otto-Falckenberg-School. During her third year, she already appeared in productions at the Residenztheater and the Münchner Kammerspiele. In the 2022/2023 season she took up her first permanent engagement at the Residenztheater and has since worked with Claudia Bauer, Sebastian Baumgarten, Miriam Ibrahim, Philip J Morris and Philipp Stölzl.

Isabell Antonia Höckel was awarded a scholarship from the German Stage Association in 2019 as well as the Bayerischer Kunstförderpreis in the category Performing Arts in 2023.



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