
Jerzy Butryn

Current as of August 2024

The Polish bass Jerzy Butryn makes his debut at the Salzburg Festival in summer 2024 as Totsky in The Idiot. His recent engagements have included the title role of Boito’s Mefistofele at the Prague National Theatre and the Teatro dell’Opera in Rome, Commendatore (Don Giovanni) at the Glyndebourne Festival, Le Bailli (Werther) at the Polish National Opera in Warsaw, Joe (Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny) at the Teatro Regio in Parma and Talbot (Giovanna d’Arco) at the St Gallen Festival. At the Wrocław Opera he has sung parts such as the four villains (Les Contes d’Hoffmann), Raimondo (Lucia di Lammermoor), Escamillo (Carmen) and the Commendatore.

Future engagements include Timur (Turandot) at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, and at the Teatro Massimo in Palermo, Sarastro (Die Zauberflöte) at the Polish National Opera and a return to the Prague National Theatre as Mefistofele.

His appearances as a concert singer have included Verdi’s Requiem under Hartmut Haenchen in Pisa Cathedral.

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