
Tamara Obermayr

Current as of June 2024

The Austrian mezzo-soprano Tamara Obermayr has performed on stage since childhood and has a wide-ranging opera, song and concert repertory. She graduated with a bachelor’s and a master’s degree from the Mozarteum University in Salzburg, where she studied with Elisabeth Wilke and Pauliina Tukiainen, before continuing her training at the August Everding Theatre Academy in Munich with Daniela Sindram.

She has received funding from the August Everding Foundation and the Johann-Adolph-Hasse-Gesellschaft in Munich, and won Opera Europa’s Eva Kleinitz Scholarship. Tamara Obermayr has appeared in concert at the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg, the Isarphilharmonie in Munich and in the Great Hall of the Mozarteum Foundation. In university productions she has appeared in roles such as Prince Orlofsky (Die Fledermaus), Ottavia (L’incoronazione di Poppea), Juditha (Juditha triumphans), Clare in Philip Venables’s 4.48 Psychosis and Roselane in Johann Christian Bach’s Zanaida.

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