
Valentinas Masalskis

Current as of December 2023

Source: Jaunimo Teatras

VALENTINAS MASALSKIS, one of the most prominent Lithuanian theatre and film actors, director, and teacher.

Graduated from the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre in 1976. From 1976 to 1992, actor at the National Kaunas Academic Drama Theatre. Created memorable roles in director Jonas Vaitkus’ productions based on works by Maxim Gorky, Albert Camus, August Strindberg, Adam Mickiewicz. A freelance artist since 1992: director of plays, actor in plays and films of other directors. Over almost 50 years of work as an actor, he has created more than 100 roles in theatre and cinema, starred in feature films by famous Lithuanian film directors Arūnas Žebriūnas, Gytis Lukšas, Algimantas Puipa, Šarūnas Bartas and foreign (French, Polish, Russian, etc.) productions.

Recent major roles in theatre productions:

The role of Magistrate in the play “The Barbarians” based on “Waiting for the Barbarians” by J.M.Coatzee, directed by Arpad Schilling. Jaunimo Teatras. 2023

The role of Teacher in the play “Nowhere”, written and directed by Arpad Shilling. Klaipėda Youth Theater. 2021

The role of Author-Sebald in the play based on “Austerlitz” by W.G. Sebald, directed by Krystian Lupa. Jaunimo Teatras. 2020

The role of Valentinas in the play “Autonomy” by Arpad Schilling and Ildiko Gaspar, directed by Arpad Shilling. Jaunimo Teatras. 2018

The role of Professor Robert Schuster in “Heldenplatz” by Thomas Bernhard, directed by Krystian Lupa. Lithuanian National Drama Theatre. 2015

The role of Masara in the play “The Great Evil” by Marius Ivaškevičius, directed by Arpad Schilling. Lithuanian National Drama Theatre. 2015

Major directed plays and roles created for them:

John Logan, ”Red”, Jaunimo Teatras. 2018

Thomas Bernhard “The World-Fixer”, Lithuanian National Drama Theatre. 2009

Tankred Dorst, Ursula Ehler “Ich, Feuerbach”, Lithuanian National Drama Theatre. 2006

Shakespeare “King Lear”, Lithuanian National Drama Theatre. 2004

Thomas Bernhard “The Force of Habit”, Lithuanian National Drama Theatre. 2003

Fyodor Dostoyevsky “A Gentle Creature”, Lithuanian National Drama Theatre. 2002

Peter Handke “Offending the Audience”, Lithuanian National Drama Theatre. 2001

The role of Faust. “Faust” by J. W. Goethe. Dir. Valentinas Masalskis. Menų Sambūris. 1999

Opera based on “The Lesson” by Eugene Ionesco (composer Vidmantas Bartulis). Menų Sambūris. 1996

Samuel Beckett “Waiting for Godot”. Kaunas Drama Theatre. 1995

Major leading roles in Lithuanian cinema:

“Nova Lithuania”. Directed by Karolis Kaupinis. 2018

“The Flood Won’t Come”. Directed by Marat Sargsyan. 2018

“Forest of the Gods”. Directed by Algimantas Puipa. 2005

“Freedom”. Directed by Šarūnas Bartas. 2000

“Mėnulio Lietuva”. Directed by Gytis Lukšas. 1997

Major awards:

The Cross of the Knight of the Order for Merits to Lithuania, 2007

Lithuanian National Prize for Culture and Art, 1996

“Golden Cross of the Stage“ Actor of the Year Award, 2016

“Silver Crane” Film Actor of the Year Award, 2015


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