
Viktorija Kuodytė

Current as of December 2023

Source: Jaunimo Teatras

VIKTORIJA KUODYTĖ, one of the most prominent Lithuanian theatre and film actors, theatre teacher. Actress of the Jaunimo Teatras company.

Graduated from the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre in 1994. During 30 years of work as an actor, she has created close to 50 roles in theatre and film, most memorable  being in director Eimuntas Nekrošius’ plays based on the works of Pushkin, Chekhov, Shakespeare, and Kafka. She created leading roles in productions by famous Lithuanian directors Gintaras Varnas and Jonas Vaitkus, as well as in productions of foreign directors Krystian Lupa and Arpad Schilling in Lithuania. She has starred in feature films by Algimantas Puipa, Maris Martinsons, Marat Sargsyan, Giedrė Beinoriūtė, and Valdas Navasaitis.

Major roles in theatre productions:

Role of Laura in the play “Little Tragedies” by A.Pushkin, directed by Eimuntas Nekrošius. Life festival. 1994

Role of Irina in the play “Three Sisters” by A.Chekhov, directed by Eimuntas Nekrošius. Life festival. 1995

Role of Ophelia in a play “Hamlet” by W.Shakespeare, directed by Eimuntas Nekrošius. Meno Fortas. 1996

Role of Juliet in the musical “Love and Death in Verona” by Kęstutis Antanėlis and Sigitas Geda, directed by Eimuntas Nekrošius. Meno Fortas. 1996

Role of Portia Coughlan in the play “Portia Coughlan” by Marina Carr, directed by Gintaras Varnas. Kaunas Drama Theatre. 2002

Role of Sonia in the play based on “Crime and Punishment” by F.Dostoyevsky, directed by Gintaras Varnas. Kaunas Drama Theater. 2004

Role of Guinevere the play “Wasted Land” by Tankred Dorst and Ursula Ehler, directed by Gintaras Varnas. Kaunas Drama Theater. 2004

Role of Marya Lebyadkina in the play based on “Demons” by F.Dostoyevsky, directed by Jonas Vaitkus. Lithuanian National Drama Theatre. 2004

Role of Lady Macbeth in the play “Macbeth” by W.Shakespeare, directed by Algirdas Latėnas. Jaunimo Teatras. 2010

Role of Mrs. Stockmann in the play “An Enemy of the People” by H.Ibsen, directed by Jonas Vaitkus. Lithuanian National Drama Theatre. 2011

Role of Mother in the play “This Child” by Joel Pommerat, directed by Viktorija Kuodytė and Dainius Gavenonis. Lithuanian National Drama Theatre. 2012

Role of Agave in the play “The Bacchae” by Euripides, directed by Gintaras Varnas. Lithuanian National Drama Theatre. 2013

Role of Ranevskaya in the play “The Cherry Orchard” by A. Chekhov, directed by Algirdas Latėnas. Jaunimo Teatras. 2014

Role of Anna in the play “Heldenplatz” by Thomas Bernhard, directed by Krystian Lupa. Lithuanian National Drama Theatre. 2015

Role of the Hunger Artist in a play based on “A Hunger Artist” by Franz Kafka, directed by Eimuntas Nekrošius. Meno Fortas. 2016

Role of Sofia in the play “The Brothers Lionheart” by Astrid Lindgren, directed by Kirtsen Dehlholm (Hotel Proforma). Jaunimo Teatras. 2018

Role of Viktorija in the play “Autonomy” by Arpad Schilling and Ildiko Gaspar, directed by Arpad Schilling. Jaunimo Teatras. 2018

Role of Marie in a play based on “Austerlitz” by W.G.Sebald, directed by Krystian Lupa. Jaunimo Teatras. 2020

Role of Alexandra in the play “Nowhere”, written and directed by Arpad Schilling. Klaipėda Youth Theatre. 2021

Role of Stanislova in the play based on “Memoirs of a Young Man” by Ričardas Gavelis, directed by Eglė Švedkauskaitė. Jaunimo Teatras. 2022

Role of Barbarian Girl in the play “The Barbarians” based on “Waiting for the Barbarians” by J.M.Coetzee, directed by Arpad Schilling. Jaunimo Teatras. 2023


Major roles in Lithuanian cinema:

“The Balcony”, directed by Giedrė Beinoriūtė. 2008

“Christmas. Uncensored”, directed by Maris Martinsons. 2012

“Garden of Eden”, directed by Algimantas Puipa. 2015

“The Other Side of Silence”, directed by Algimantas Puipa. 2019

“The Flood Won’t Come”, directed by Marat Sargsyan. 2020


Major awards:

Lithuanian National Prize for Culture and Arts, 2020

Female Performance of the Year Award, 1996

Supporting Performance of the Year Award, 1998

Female Performance of the Year Award, 2002

Film Actress of the Year Award, 2016

Female Performance of the Year Award, 2018

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