Martha Jungwirth, Farbproben, ohne Jahr
Aquarell und Bleistift auf handgeschöpftem Papier, 86 x 60,5 cm
Foto: © Dorotheum Wien
© Martha Jungwirth/Bildrecht, Wien 2023
Supported by

UNIQA · Würth-Gruppe · Raiffeisen Salzburg


Zeitzone JETZT

Anna and Tobias‘s daily lives are jam-packed with school, sports and social media. There’s no time for emotions. When the post office clerk Professor Dr Temporius starts handing them strange letters, it doesn’t only turn their busy schedules upside down… Zeitzone JETZT will showcase songs about friendship, love and loss that make the clocks tick faster or slower — and even bring them to a halt.


for children from 10 years

Photos and Videos

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4. July 2024
A word with Benjamin Truong and Giorgio Musolesi

Programme Navigator